After Gravel
In this picture you can see that the crew has placed a pitched pipe and gravel in the trench to allow for water flow to the basin. If you look at the right side of the picture you can see that there is a yellow air line. That line is hooked up to a high powered fan and is blowing dust and dirt that is created on the job out of the home to make our work more clean and professional.

Before Gravel
In this photo you can see that we have the pipe pitched towards the basin. We are starting to cover it with gravel in order to aid with the water flow. Again, in this picture I would like to point out how clean the work area is. This shows our immense attention to detail and care for your home.

Pipe Leading into Sump Basin
Here you can see the pipe leading into the sump basin. If you look about three quarters of the way to the basin, there is another trench coming from the left. This is called lateral. A lateral is used to help get water to the basin if it is difficult to get pitch in the basement, or if the basement floor has a crack where water seeps through.

Pipes Tied into Basin
Here you can see a close up of the pipe being tied into our SuperSump system.

Finishing Work
As you can see here we are laying down the concrete getting the finished product ready. The white product on the wall is Clean Space. In this instance we have used it to take the water from the weep-holes we have drilled in the block and allow it to get into the waterproofing system.

As you can see here this is the finished product. Please note how clean our jobs are. We take pride in our work and we want the homeowner to be happy with their dry basement and how clean the job is when we are finished.

Finished Product Part 2
This is the finished product. This homeowner called us because they were having a water problem in their finished basement. Now that they have a dry basement they can refinish it. We also offer basement finishing products - if you have any questions give us a call!

Finished Lateral
This is the final product leading to the basin, the lateral and the permitter system, all leading to a dry basement! Good job team!