Flooded Window
Here you can see the flooded window well that we fixed.

Hole for the Pipe
This image shows the hole we drilled in the foundation. We stuck the pipe with the perforated cap out to daylight and the rest of the pipe into the foundation where we tied it into an UltraSump.

Here is the fitting we used to connect the pipe that is outside to the pipe inside. If you look to the upper right of the pipe you can see one of the injection ports we inserted and later injected to ensure the hole we drilled would not leak.

Our Drainage Pipe
Here you can see the outside of our job, here is the pipe that runs inside. This pipe will take the water that would have previously seeped into the home and create a path of least resistance for the water to flow into the pipe and into the sump.

The Inside
This is a picture of the pipe that runs on the inside of the foundation with the injection foam around it.

The Inside
Here is a picture of the pipe that is inside the home after the injection has been completed.

Outside Final Picture
This is a photo of the outside window well. As you can see, there is no longer any standing water in the window well and we have filled it with more gravel to aid in the path of least resistance.